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12.9 Wed
Main Theme ファシリティ・市場動向


Special Online Seminar Category

  • All
  • 技術セミナー
  • グループセッション
  • 基調講演
16:30 -


●所要時間:60分 ●言語:英語

Hierarchy of High Impact Improvements in Bio Manufacturing




治療法分野での開発ペースが加速化しているなか、新規バイオプロセッシング技術は非常に競争が激しく、経済的に困難な環境で生み出されます。この基調講演では、バイオマニュファクチャリングの分析を、新しいレベルの生産性とコスト効率を可能にするいくつかのトレンドに焦点を当てます。 MORE バイオマニュファクチャリング、細胞内での産生物の生成、細胞から産生物の回収、および治療薬として必要なレベルまでの精製と濃縮の典型的なモジュールは、一連の統合されたステップとして、協調して開発するのが最適です。 今後5年から10年で、細胞培養の時間を短縮し、連続培養にさまざまなアプローチを導入することで生産性が向上し、産生物の連続収穫も可能になります。精製ステップは、培養プロセスに直接接続され、相互に接続されます。培地とバッファーは、濃縮液から次のプロセスに直接送られます。異なるプロセスモジュールをより効率的に接続した結果、中間製品または大量のメディアとバッファーを保管する必要性が大幅に減少します。 モデリングとアルゴリズムを使用すると、このような接続されたプロセスまたは継続的なプロセスを堅牢かつ効率的に制御できます。規制当局は、デジタル主導の製造のダイナミクスに採用するために、「データ表示」から「アルゴリズム表示」に焦点をおいています。 施設はより小さく、より柔軟になりますが、同時に、さまざまな需要に対応し、バイオ医薬品製メーカーのポートフォリオに新しいモダリティを迅速に追加することができます。結果として、中小企業においても、よりコスト効率の高い生産を達成することができるでしょう。

10:00 -


●所要時間:30分 ●言語:英語/字幕あり

Single-use and sustainability: continued studies using LCA tools




シングルユースシステムのライフサイクルアセスメント(LCA)についてご紹介します。 ライフサイクルアセスメント(LCA)は、プロセスの環境への影響、利点、トレードオフ、および負荷変動を客観的な形式で評価するための科学に基づくアプローチです。 MORE Cytivaは、医薬品製造におけるLCA調査を実施しました。追加の装置規模、製品タイプ、生産モード、および設置場所を考慮しています。これは、上流および下流のオペレーションを含むプロセス全体で、モノクローナル抗体(MAb)およびアデノウイルスワクチン(Adv)の生産における従来のステンレス、シングルユース、およびハイブリッド施設を比較します。これには、1)輸送距離、電力と水源などの地域の違い、2)さまざまなシングルユース廃棄処理オプションなど、多くの新しいパラメータの影響が含まれます。

12:30 -


●所要時間:30分 ●言語:日本語

Manufacture of Biologics in Future and Digital Solution





13:10 -


●所要時間:50分 ●言語:日本語





14:20 -


●所要時間:20分 ●言語:英語/字幕あり

KUBio™ box – Filling the Current Gap in Viral Vector Manufacturing
KUBio™ box – ウイルスベクター製造における現在のギャップを埋める




現在の医薬品業界の市場では、細胞および遺伝子治療が大幅に成長しています。この成長により、製造能力が不足しています。スピード、柔軟性、将来の拡張の可能性は、ソリューションの重要な要素です。シングルユースの設備を組み込んだKUBio™ boxを使用したモジュラーアプローチは、これらの救命治療へのアクセスを促進および加速するのに役立ちます。


Günter Jagschies, Ph.D. Gemini BioProcess™ing

Dr. Günter Jagschies is retired from GE Healthcare Life Sciences after 35 years in senior management positions in business functions and R&D with the BioProcess™ division of the company. He is now the Principal Consultant in his own newly started consulting firm Gemini BioProcess™ing.
For years, Günter has been an ambassador for GE Healthcare in consultative discussions with biopharma companies on manufacturing strategies and economics, and as a frequent speaker in conferences. He is co-author of “Process Chromatography”, and co-editor of “Development of Therapeutic Monoclonal Antibody Products”, a review and analysis of the Chemistry, Manufacturing, and Control (CMC) activities. His latest book is “Biopharmaceutical Processing” a comprehensive textbook on development, design, and implementation of manufacturing processes, published by Elsevier early in 2018.
In 2012, Günter received the "Thought Leader of the Decade" award in the field of downstream processing from Bioprocessing International. He co-chaired the 2016 “Recovery of Biological Products” conference (RXVII), a key event in downstream processing science and technology, and he has been co-chairing the “BioProcess™ing Asia” conference series (BPA) between 2014 and 2018.
Günter is based near Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany.


Henrik Ihre, Ph.D. Director, Strategic Technologies, Cytiva, Sweden

Henrik Ihre is motivated by bringing new solutions to the market which enable the invention and manufacturing of new pharmaceuticals for patients, developed by partners of Cytiva.
His roots are in biopharma, leadership and product development for the biopharma downstream industry. He has been the Director of Strategic Customer Relations since March 2020.
Henrik joined legacy Amersham™ Pharmacia Biotech in August 2000, which was acquired by GE Healthcare in 2004. In April 2020, part of GE Healthcare Life Sciences was acquired by Danaher and became Cytiva.
Having started as a Senior Scientist in the R&D chromatography resin department, Henrik later transferred into the role of Product Manager for several key products such as the Protein A portfolio. For more than ten years, he headed and expanded the custom consumables organization offering customization within segments such as Chromatography resins, Ready To Process™ columns, Small scale pre-packed columns and Primer supports for oligo synthesis.
During his time in the custom consumable's organization more than 30 key products were brought to the market which are still a key part of the Cytiva offering. The experience gave Henrik an excellent opportunity to develop a broad network within the biopharma customer community and better understand their needs.
Henrik earned a Ph.D. in synthetic organic polymer chemistry from the Royal Academy of Engineering at Sweden’s Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in 1998. After his graduate studies he spent two years as a Post Doc graduate at UC Berkeley in California, USA working on improved drug delivery systems of cytotoxins.
Henrik lives in Stockholm, Sweden with his family and works from the Cytiva office in Uppsala.


Bill Whitford Strategic Solutions Leader
Cell Culture, Bioprocess,

Bill Whitford is Strategic Solutions Leader in Logan, UT with over 20 years experience in biotechnology product and process development. He joined the company as an R&D Leader developing products supporting protein biological and vaccine production in mammalian and invertebrate cell lines. Products he has commercialized include defined hybridoma and perfusion cell culture media, fed-batch supplements and aqueous lipid dispersions. An invited lecturer at international conferences, Bill has published over 250 articles, book chapters and patents in the bioproduction arena. He now enjoys such activities as serving on the Editorial Advisory Board for BioProcess™ International.


竹内 雅人 Cytiva バイオプロセス アプリケーション営業部 BPセールス&プロジェクトマネジャー


Ellen Johnson Enterprise Solutions
Technology Leader, Cytiva

In Ellen’s role, she identifies new internal and external technologies for incorporation into next generation Enterprise Solutions FlexFactory™ and KUBio™ offerings. Prior to joining the GE Healthcare’s Life Sciences business, now Cytiva, Ellen held various process engineering and management roles at Amgen, Inc. She progressed the next generation (single-use) mAb manufacturing platform through design and implementation of innovative technologies related to equipment, automation and consumables. She also developed and maintained corporate (stainless steel) mAb manufacturing platform defining best practices related to process and equipment and participated in new plant start-up activities. She and her teams supported process development, characterization, transfer, validation and monitoring activities. She has acted as process team leader as well as lead process engineer for an entire microbial drug substance process. Additionally, she has authored portions of CMC regulatory submissions and responses to filing questions and inspection observations and presented to auditors from various jurisdictions.